Lookism is an original series created by Park Tae-Joon, which was serialized on LINE Manga and Naver WEBTOON. With its webcomic gaining more than 8.7 billion global views by the day, it was no surprise that Lookism got its anime adaptation from Studio MIR (Legend of Korra, DOTA: Dragon’s Blood and more). Check out the opening sequence below:

Interestingly, the South Korean anime featuring the ATEEZ single fits the premise of the series, seeing as one of the song’s most suitable lyrics reads: “This is a knot that’s connecting you and a different version of you that cannot be disconnected.”

READ MORE: Lookism Netflix Anime Lands A New Release Date

The webtoon centers around an unconventionally attractive protagonist who had to deal with numerous unfair treatments in his day-to-day life, portraying the social issues regarding “lookism and materialism present in the lives of people living in modern society” as described by Netflix. One night, protagonist Park Hyeong-seok wakes up to have transformed from an ugly high school ‘pig’ into the most handsome and sought-after ‘idol’ of his school.

The ATEEZ lyrics fit nicely because of how the lyrics are already hinting what Lookism is all about: showing the ‘real’ you. Especially with “Wake your unknown self up” since the early chapters of the Webtoon actually reveals Park Hyeong-seok’s ability to transfer from his body to another seemingly uninhabited body that always mistakes him for an idol. With this power, Hyeong-seok ventures off to serve justice to a society he lives in.

Lookism was supposed to be released on November 4, but was postponed without reason. Hence, the Netflix anime landed a new release date which premiered on December 8, 2022, 8 episodes of which you can watch on the streaming site.

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Lookism Anime Opening Features the New ATEEZ Single - 17