Chainsaw Man is an action and dark fantasy series created by Tatsuki Fujimoto. The manga began its serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump in December 2018. Weekly Shonen Jump handled part 1’s serialization until December 2020. The series went on a break before finally returning in July 2022. The online magazine, Shonen Jump+, is serializing the second part. Viz Media handles the English publication in North America. The anime adaptation by MAPPA is scheduled to premiere during the latter half of 2022.

What is Chainsaw Man About?

Chainsaw Man revolves around the story of Denji, a teenage boy with a Chainsaw Devil dog named Pochita. Despite working as a Devil Hunter to pay off his father’s debt to the yakuza, Denji generally has no money. Eventually, the yakuza betray Denji and kill him after the yakuza form a contract with the Zombie Devil. To save Denji, Pochita offers him a contract, and Denji becomes a human and Devil hybrid. As a Devil, Denji successfully eliminates the yakuza. He is then approached by Public Safety, a group of Devil Hunters working under the government. Their leader, Makima, asks Denji to join their group.

Did Chainsaw Man Do a Time Skip?

The Chainsaw Man manga currently has two parts. Part 1 consists of the Public Safety Arc, which covers until Chapter 97. To recap, Denji consumed all of Makima, so she is no longer returning. However, the Control Devil is back — inside Nayuta. Nayuta is the young girl Kishibe left with Denji so that Denji could take care of her. The end of the chapter implies that Denji is now in high school. As for Chainsaw Man Part 2, we haven’t seen Denji or Chainsaw Man yet, except for on a poster. The latest chapters have focused on a new character — Asa Mitaka. Mitaka is the host of the War Devil, and the War Devil aims to defeat Chainsaw Man. Chapter 99 showed a familiar face — Yoshida Hirofumi, a private Devil Hunter. Makima hired Yoshida to protect Denji during the International Assassins arc. Based on the information back then, the story already implied that he is still in high school. Chapter 99 confirms that information, as he becomes part of the school’s Devil Hunter club. For now, there is still no explicit information on whether there is a time skip between parts 1 and 2 of Chainsaw Man. However, it’s possible that if there is a time skip, the interval between the two parts wouldn’t be too far. We have yet to find out more about what happened to Denji and Chainsaw Man after part 1.

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